Study and Rest

What is your child’s routine when they come home from school each afternoon? Do they change, and hang up their uniform? Do they start their homework straight away so it’s all done by meal and family relaxation time? If the answer is “well.. not really” then you might need to rethink their bedroom space.

A child or teenager’s room should be a comfortable space to sleep, read and study with ample storage for their clothes, books, and toys of course!

Our specially designed and fitted bedrooms could be the answer to your problems. A bunk bed with custom desk and study area can fit in all bedroom sizes, and what kid doesn’t like a bunk bed? Book shelves, a wardrobe and a toy chest can all be created with your child’s requirements in mind.

A bright and warm bedroom is the goal. While blue is considered the best colour for learning, according to the experts, but a splash of warm and bright colours like orange are also recommend. We love this bright and colourful room, in particular.

Let us chat with you and your child to design their dream bedroom in their favorite colours. Contact us for a consultation before the next term begins!